NSW Jobs Connect

An award-winning program to connect employers with international skills and talent in NSW.

Dive into the talent pool

Find the skilled employees you're seeking today

The NSW Jobs Connect program is an innovative partnership between Study NSW and SEEK to connect NSW employers with diverse talent and skills and showcase the value of international talent in NSW.  

There are currently 230 employersExternal Link  signed up to the NSW Jobs Connect program.  

Becoming a NSW Jobs Connect employer means: 

  • Free brand exposure  
  • Access to diverse talent and skills 
  • Access to exclusive events and information on the NSW employment market. 

Participating employers across Sydney and NSW commit to the NSW Jobs Connect Charter.Download File 

Sign up to NSW Jobs ConnectExternal Link 

Dive into the SEEK talent pool

Through partnering with SEEK, the NSW Government aims to leverage the value of international talent in the NSW economy and help NSW businesses enhance organisational diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) for improved performance and efficiency.  

A comparative analysisExternal Link  by Mckinsey & Co in 2019 finds that there are direct relations between a company's diversity and financial performance over time. In NSW, over a quarter of residents were born overseas, more than 275 languages are spoken, and 144 religions are practiced. NSW supports DE&I and invites genuine participation and contribution from NSW businesses in incorporating international talent to closing skills gaps and building on business performance and efficiency in NSW.  

According to the 2023 Australian Government Jobs and Skills Australia report, 36% of occupations assessed were in national shortage, including: 

  • 50% of shortages among technicians and trades workers, 
  • 48% of shortages among professionals, especially health professionals, and 
  • 24% of shortages are seen in the community and personal services sector. 

Recent researchDownload File  by Deloitte also found that 44% of migrants in Australia are working below their skill-level, of them, 40% age between 35 to 44 years, 30% age between 25 to 34 years, and females compromise 55% of the underutilised migrants. In NSW, 30% of recent migrants have been underutilised in the employment market. 

At a time of skills shortages, an ageing workforce, and an urgent need to transition to net zero, it is critically important than ever to ensure all talent in Australia fully use their skills and expertise. 

Become a NSW Jobs Connect employer by signing up to the free initiative

Register below.